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Reunion news from the Class of 1978

In September of 2017, it came to some from the CCHS Class of 1978's attention that they were edging close to 40 years since their high school graduation. Social media made it possible for the group to gather and brainstorm fun ways to observe this milestone. Traveling to Ekalaka for the Days of '85 was decided upon. However, the class didn't know they would be experiencing such a hot weekend.

Friday night some were able to chat and enjoy the music provided by the street dance downtown. It was a good opportunity for those who were there to see how little some had changed, how much some had changed and how amazing the group looked for a bunch of fifty somethings.

Luckily they were able to get out of the heat Saturday afternoon at the "new" Carter County High. The class was glad to be in a space that was cool but certainly noticed it was not the space where they attended high school. Former teachers Patrick Mauch, Kathy Stieg and Coach Don Schillinger dropped in to enjoy catching up and refreshments. Old annuals, stories and class cheers were enjoyed.

On Saturday evening, Dane and Pam Castleberry hosted another opportunity to gather at their ranch, where more reminiscing, updates with each other and laughs took place.

Sunday morning the class managed to get a flatbed and participate in the Days of '85 Parade. They tied for second place with the Class of '68. The cash award was donated to the new high school scoreboard.

It was a wonderful weekend for those that were able to travel to Ekalaka. Different members of the class were not able to join the group due to other commitments. The Class of '78 hopes to gather again in five years to enjoy conversation with classmates who couldn't attend this year, as well as build on the stories and fun with those that did.

Three different photos were submitted for this event. Not because they are overachievers as accused by the Class of '88, but because not everyone was able to be in one space at the same time.


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