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Give a gift to a Dahl resident this Christmas

Because of a love for the residents at Dahl Memorial, staff members have created an Angel Tree this year to make their holiday a little brighter. Each resident has listed a few items they need/want on paper angels. These angels are hanging on a Christmas tree just inside the door at Dahl Memorial Healthcare. Those that wish can remove any angel from the tree and purchase the gift(s) listed on it. Gifts can be wrapped or taken to Vicky Knapp, Activities Director, to wrap and put under the tree by December 23.

Please don't take an angel if you are unable to purchase a gift; staff members want to ensure none of the residents go without! Please return the angel with the gift so staff can get the correct gift to the correct resident. Please drop off gifts by Monday, December 23.

For questions, please contact Vicky Knapp at Dahl Memorial Healthcare.


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