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Harkins honored in D.C.

Late last year, Gary "Tyke" Harkins, far right, attended an Honor Flight in Washington D.C. with other veterans from the Bakersfield, California area.

Mr. Harkins was an E-6 in the Army during the Vietnam War. He entered his service in Ekalaka and served from October 1967 to September 1973. Harkins took basic training at Ft. Ord. He served as a forward observer for artillery targets with the 41st Artillery, which was attached to the 173rd Airborne. He was stationed in Vietnam near the DMZ and also in Germany and Korea. He is the recipient of a Good Conduct Medal with 1 Loop and 2 Overseas Bars.

Accompanying Harkins in the photo are an instructor from West Point and a man who works for U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy.

Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's veterans for all their sacrifices. The organization's mission is to transport America's Veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends.


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