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Conversations with God

Springtime views

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

Several of us took a trip to the Big City. Lord, what totally awesome views You have created! We for sure noticed the change in seasons, the sprinkling of snow still on the North side of draws, hills, berms and roofs of buildings, too cool! The Highwood Mountains were stunning.

A thrill to see a small band of sheep and baby lambs, herds of cattle and frisky black baby calves, they were so cute against the little spots of white snow; then three geese in a field near some antelope, and fields of winter wheat showing Spring Green. A different green graced the land where fires had burned acres of land.

Technician, C. M., (at the specialist’s office) mentioned, “I’m from Utah, but in this season of my life, I came here to work, got married and I love it here!”

Then off to the superstore before heading home. Spring was showing up everywhere; the river was blue, lawns were greening, the temperature had warmed to 50 degrees and several joggers in spring attire jogged by – MAY is a delightful month to be sure.

In the store one clerk encouraged us to return this weekend saying, “This is the season when we have some great specials!” We noticed huge umbrellas, lawn chairs and assorted Barbeque kettles.

Once we were homeward bound; L.J. remarked, “Look at those clouds! They are summer clouds.” Pictures don’t do scenes justice; the clouds were glorious, seasoning our trip home. One lone Canada goose stood tall, cows and calves were at rest, one bright blue buffalo gave us the shoulder with a bright yellow sun painted on his neck. Traffic was light, the day was wonderful, - reminding us of Ecclesiastes 3:1; “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter/purpose under heaven….” Thank you, Lord, for this lovely Springtime season.

Love, Mara


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