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  • My Mission: Better Health Care for Montanans

    Updated Sep 14, 2024

    Tim Sheehy former Navy SEAL and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate It’s clear that Jon Tester is a desperate man doing desperate things, including spreading outright lies, fearmongering, and misleading Montanans—particularly on health care. Here’s the hard truth: our health care system is broken. On Jon Tester’s watch, costs are going up, and access is going down. Because of Obamacare, Montanans face higher premiums year after year. We’ve lost access to doctors and health care plans we were told we could keep. More gove...

  • Health Care Professionals Condemn Tester Ad

    Updated Sep 14, 2024

    As health care providers, hospital leaders, nurses, and support staff who serve or have served rural Montana communities, we condemn the recent television ads and full-page advertisements by Jon Tester's campaign and the absolute lies being told to our fellow neighbors. The ads, some of which use the names and photos of local hospitals, falsely accuse Tim Sheehy of threatening rural hospitals, misleading the patients we serve. Some of us have gotten to know Tim through his and his wife’s philanthropy supporting Montana h...

  • Dahl Memorial Hospital: Addressing Recent Political Ads

    Updated Sep 14, 2024

    Recently, our community may have seen an advertisement mentioning Dahl Memorial as being at risk of closure due to proposed healthcare policy changes. This ad has understandably raised concerns, and I want to provide some clarity about our current situation and our commitment to serving Ekalaka and the surrounding areas. Our Focus: Quality Care, Not Politics Dahl Memorial operates independently of any political campaigns. The recent ads are third-party political messages funded by Montanans for Tester, and they were not...

  • Control needed as grasshoppers continue to devastate Montana rangeland, cropland

    Updated Jul 24, 2024

    submitted by the Montana Farm Bureau Federation During meetings in Washington earlier this month, the Montana Farm Bureau continued to stress the need for grasshopper control while visiting with Congressional leaders. In talking with Senator Jon Tester and Representative Matt Rosendale, and with the staff of Senator Steve Daines' and Representative Ryan Zinke's offices, Farm Bureau leaders explained the negative impact of the destructive insects and the need for help with...

  • Thank you!

    Updated Jul 24, 2024

    On the evening of July 13, 2024, a nasty storm came through our territory, damaging a lot of members’ property and taking out numerous Southeast Electric lines. Operations crew members and office staff worked through most of the first night. The few employees out of town cut their leave short and returned to Ekalaka to assist in the restoration process. First, I would like to thank all Southeast Electric employees for their dedication and hard work day in and day out, as well as during the long days put in to restore p...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jul 18, 2024

    Dear Editor, Please accept this statement as a formal retraction of my letter submitted in the June 20th, 2024 Edition. Thank you, Libby Barth...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jul 11, 2024

    I almost killed someone this morning. How's that for an opener? Terrifying, but true. I was driving back to town from the dump, almost to the four-way stop by the school when a woman and young girl on bicycles came around the corner (from the direction of the fairgrounds), and turned onto the dump road, riding past me without stopping at the stop sign. I was starting my right turn to head down to Main Street, when two young boys on bicycles shot through the same intersection (also from the direction of the fairgrounds) in...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jul 11, 2024

    Dear Editor – I have been reluctant to write a letter to the editor, as I know I don’t know all the facts or happenings at Dahl Memorial Hospital. I was very thankful that Dr. Grace Blair wrote a letter. With her knowledge of the medical field, I felt she was able to voice a professional opinion about the situation. Some of what she wrote were things I was concerned about and probably other have the same concerns. The DMH Board of Directors has a thankless task of watching over DMH. Its members have stepped up to vol...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jul 4, 2024

    Hello, Carter County Livestock Producers. This is your new Aerial Predator Control Pilot. First, I want to pay my respects to Mark Huseby. Although I never met him, I've heard amazing stories about his skills and dedication. He left big shoes to fill. My family and I send our thoughts and prayers to his loved ones and the community. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Dustin Drews, I'm 41 years old, and I live in Bison, SD with my wife Jessica and our two sons, Boaz (8) and Isaac (6). I grew up in Wahoo, Nebraska, where...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jul 4, 2024

    June 26, 2024 Dear Baker & Ekalaka communities, I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. After careful consideration of my professional and personal goals, I have decided to leave my Primary Care role at Dahl Memorial Healthcare as of 9/1/24. This decision was not made lightly. It has been a privilege and an honor to be part of your healthcare journey. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you and am very grateful for the trust you have placed in me as your Family Nurse Practitioner. Although I will be stepping...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jun 27, 2024

    Dear Editor, I grew up in Carter County, graduated from CCHS in Ekalaka, and worked at the Dahl Memorial Hospital evenings and weekends for 3 years of high school. My time in Ekalaka gave me a huge start on my journey to becoming a nationally recognized cardiovascular surgeon and a Stanford University clinical professor. I have been on the BOD of a large general hospital in California, and also a large Agricultural Corporation. Recently I have been made aware of some of the problems and fighting happening at the hospital...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Jun 20, 2024

    Dear Editor, In prayerfully considering this letter, I’ve tried really hard to remove my personal feelings from the situation occurring at Dahl Memorial Healthcare right now. However, I’ve concluded that it’s impossible to remove emotion while saying what needs to be said completely. I’m a person, after all, and I care deeply for the members of this community…this community that has welcomed me in so beautifully. We, as a community, have been wronged by the leadership at Dahl Memorial. The current administration and many...

  • Continued Uninterrupted Physical Therapy Services

    Updated Jun 13, 2024

    Dear Editor, We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the community for your continued loyalty to Dahl Memorial Healthcare Association. Your unwavering support inspires us to provide the highest quality healthcare services to all. Amid recent changes at Dahl Memorial Healthcare Association (DMHA), we understand that concerns have arisen regarding the continuity of our services. We want to reassure everyone that all services, including physical therapy, will continue without...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated May 29, 2024

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter to invite you and everyone reading this to get to know a little bit about Montana Farm Bureau Federation. We were established in 1919 to make the business of farming and ranching more profitable and Montana a better place to live. We continue working towards that goal everyday. We are an organization striving for greatness in everything agriculture related in these crazy times we are living in. We treasure all of our members and their thoughts and ideas, and this is where all our policies...

  • Let's secure our community's health: Support the Dahl Memorial Hospital levy!

    Updated May 16, 2024

    Dear Editor, I write to implore our community to rally behind the upcoming mill levy of $260,000.00 in support of the Dahl Memorial Hospital Association, Inc. This levy is crucial to ensuring the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of our recently constructed facility, which faces daily wear and tear from the harsh weather conditions of Eastern Montana. The Dahl Memorial Hospital stands as a beacon of health and hope in our community, offering essential services to all who seek medical assistance. However, behind the scenes, the...

  • The blizzard of 1949

    Esther Junge Wildish|Updated May 8, 2024

    It is 75 years ago since the winter of ‘49 and the epic blizzard on the days after Sunday, January 1st, 1949 is one I will always remember. I was born in 1935 in South Dakota and lived on a farm/ranch. We did not have a tractor, so for all of our farm and ranch work we used horses. We would not have survived without our horses. I have five sisters and one brother, but only my sister Elsie and I were at home in ‘48-49. I was in the 8th grade and attended a country school 4 miles from home. We had had some snow storms in Novemb...

  • A bit of history on agriculture, markets and weather

    Emmett LaBree|Updated May 8, 2024

    Starting 1881, the N.P. Railroad came and promoted this country. There were herds of southern cattle driving into the northern U.S. to be fattened, then in turn shipped by rail to the heavier populated country in the east. But, they forgot about one thing — the weather. A terrible, hard winter hit in 1886 and 1887. No hay was put up and the short-haired, thin-hided cattle starved to death by the 1000s. I had one old-timer tell me about 4 and 5 year old steers going down and dying by a spring on Fallon Creek close to where I...

  • My memories of Ekalaka and Carter County

    Bill Lavell|Updated May 1, 2024

    I haven’t written anything for the Eagle for a long time. I am full of stories but most of them are to short to make a good story. And as I am getting older it is harder for me to write and to remember things. Anyway today I want to tell you of my memories in general of the whole area. I was really not there very long but it is powerful in my mind. As I remember, the population of Ekalaka when we were there was 902 and the population of the whole county was around 3,300. I understand that Ekalaka is now less than 400 and t...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated May 1, 2024

    Dear Editor and Fellow Constituents, The United States Congress needs HELP!! The $95 billion foreign aid bill passed by the US House this past week proves: why we need strong, honest, conservative leadership willing to fight the battle for the soul of the Republican Party. Thus far US has sent at least $175 billion to Ukraine. Latest bill: $61 billion to Ukraine; $26 billion Israel which includes $9 billion humanitarian assistance in Gaza; $8 billion to regional partners Indo-Pacific including Taiwan; and TO the US SOUTHERN B...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Apr 24, 2024

    We have a very important election coming up this Nov. I am asking every United States Citizen to be sure and vote. If you are not registered go get it done. Then learn about the candidates and if they believe in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Do they believe in Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, The Right to assimilable all of the First Amendment. Do they believe in the Second Amendment. This Amendment was written to protect all of the other amendments. You need to vote in all of the elections. Federal, State,...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Apr 24, 2024

    Saturday, April 20, prom was held at Carter County High School. The Class of 2025 worked to create a tiki beach themed prom. Palm trees were built, tiki huts made and lights strung throughout the gym. Girls wore beautiful dresses and the young men looked sharp in their tuxes. Grand march was held at 8 and parents were out the door by 9. By 10:30, all couples had left except for 11 kids. After prom was started in the early 90s—over 30 years ago—for students to have a safe, alcohol/drug free place to go after the prom. I wen...

  • MSGA opposes BLM's carbon sequestration project in Carter County

    Updated Apr 18, 2024

    submitted by Montana Stockgrowers Association The Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) recently submitted comments in opposition to the BLM Snowy River CO2 Sequestration Project Environmental Assessment (EA). The BLM is planning to partner with Denbury Carbon Solutions to build a carbon storage facility in Carter County, Mont. The project would encompass 100,200 acres of land south of Ekalaka where 15 deep wells would be drilled and injected with CO2, storing carbon from...

  • Don't let eastern Montana's ag lands become a corporate polluter's dumping grounds

    Updated Mar 28, 2024

    Liz Barbour Hammond I’m a ranch manager in Carter County. Open, “Big Sky” country and expansive grasslands surround my life here. Years ago I stood in my new home and overlooked the plains stretched out before me, baby in arms, feeling overwhelming explosions of gratitude in my soul that formed an unshakable, deep connection to this landscape; a defining moment in my career. I carry those feelings daily as I work stewarding these lands. Join me in protecting Montana, our home, from a disturbing plan from the Exxon corpo...

  • Letter to the editor

    Updated Mar 28, 2024

    Dear Editor, Montana is where airborne warfare got started….fighting fires. The Airborne Battle Memorial at Fort Benning, Georgia, where I attended Infantry Officers Basic Training, doesn’t mention that the founder of U.S. Airborne forces and his staff went out to Missoula in June and July 1942 and watched the early smokejumpers make 10 practice jumps then jump fires in rough terrain from low-flying aircraft. U.S.Army Major William Carey Lee brought parachutes and a static line back to Georgia where he formed the 101st Air...

  • The Winter of 1964 & 1965

    Emmett LaBree|Updated Mar 14, 2024

    Beings I was born in 1934 I had a real good memory of the winter of 1964 and 1965. I bought a place of my own in 1965 over between Ekalaka and Baker on Lame Jones Creek (4000 Deeded, 1640 Leased). I paid $15 per acre for the deeded. The summers of 1960 and 1961 were dry but it went to raining in the fall of ‘62. We were wet until ‘79. I started neighboring with the people; them with tractors and me with horses. I always liked to have plenty horses — saddle horses and teams. When the fall of ‘64 hit, it started snowing...

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