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Conversations with God

A recipe!

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, some recipes are worth sharing! Here’s one for any time – even if this one doesn’t have salt! Author unknown, it’s called:


“Mix two heaping measures of love with common purpose, sweetened with two full hearts. Sprinkle in a few little ones according to taste. For a rich color break in the yolks of two purses. Do not make it too rich as by doing so, it crumbles and separates easily and this is not what we want.

Stir yolks in the batter thoroughly until it is even all the way through. It should be stiff enough to withstand the slaps of poverty and the dents of sorrow. Be sure to add some play. Now set it before a genial hearth to rise. Bake in a moderate oven of even warmth but avoid excess heat. Serve in your home on all occasions. Warning: avoid serving with tongue or cold shoulder. Quantities given are sufficient for one happy household.”

We know that You’re present at our meals, Lord, because as little kids, we’d always invite You with this little prayer: ‘Come our Lord, be our guest and let these gifts to us be blessed. Amen’.

As much as we all may miss our Mom’s cooking, (her bread, soups, cakes and cookies were always delicious), we ARE looking forward to the banquet around Your table. That event is mentioned several times in Your Word. Thank you for the invitation. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.

And what about salt? Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” Remember that we are the salt of the earth, guide us to be the salt that You want us to be.

Love, Mara


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