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Conversations with God

Don’t seek revenge

Hello God, it’s me, Mara: You know, Lord, a while back, a friend shared about bearing a grudge against one of your children who was one of their friends, adding that hanging onto bitterness and keeping grudges alive is truly consuming work. She was exhausted and really didn’t know what to do, as bearing a grudge was/is hard work as it left little energy for blessing others, praising God, or even enjoying life.

Then she read that the only way to get over a bitter heart toward others is to actively love and serve them in ways that will bless their lives. If we can’t do this because it’s hard to feel like it is the right thing to do, we can do it because we know God and we want to please him!

Sharing what she’d read [author and date unknown] it was mentioned that doing this act of forgiving is very hard but it soooo can be done! When we show forgiveness or just be kind to the ones who are mean or grouchy or intolerable, we will be amazed by the expression and reaction they give us/you!! It’s awesome!! We need to be better than the other one – the one who wronged us and then we shall prosper in God’s eyes.

Special prayer is sometimes needed, she gave an example: Pray: ... “Father of light, love and mercy, please remove from my heart any cynicism or delight in seeing others around me fall. Instead, help me to be a rescuer rather than a neglector. I want Your grace to be seen in my friendships. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

While reading Leviticus 19:18 she discovered that God already has it covered; she shared the verse: “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

Love, Mara


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