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Conversations with God


Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, the hustle and bustle of getting ready for Christmas, like preparing for guests and gifts, singing and visiting – it’s all getting a little bit exhausting for all of us, old or young. Generally speaking, that’s probably not what You meant how Christmas should be, right, Lord? One needs to stop a minute, get things into perspective, then prioritize and get a few things in order. While we’re at it, how about savoring life just a little bit. Here are some LifeSavers we all might like to do, like ready?


House Cleaning nearly finished…

Ironing done…

Tea Kettle singing…

Hint of snow in the air…

Snowflakes falling – find the shovel…

Get some logs up for the fireplace…

Angles adorn windows…

Neighbors decorate their roof-line…

Pumpkin seeds to munch on…

Smell of fudge in the making…

Recipes ready for cookie baking…

Wreath for the front door…

New basket for greeting cards…

Sheet of new Christmas stamps…

First Yuletide messages arrives…

Doorbell rings – a package ordered arrives

That’s the Joy of the Lord for strength.

It seems most sensible to rely on You, Lord, for our strength. It was surprising to find that even way back in the Old Testament times, that was Your recommendation. If it was true back then, how much more appropriate, fitting and suitable for today.

How about rereading this one for some renewed strength and energy for this time of the year. Let us remember what Nehemiah stated, that message is found in Nehemiah 8:10; “Then said he [Nehemiah] unto them, go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto the Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Thank You, Lord, for Christmas and for all the gifts in life You give us.

Love, Mara


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