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Conversations with God


Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, sometimes one sees Love being shared. One day, while waiting for an appointment, an older lady was checking out, a gentleman came in, greeted the guy at the desk, who greeted him, ‘Hey, Joe – I’ll be just a moment’. The manager asked the older lady if he should help her out to her car. Joe spoke up, “It’s icy out there, my grandson said to be careful, so I’ll walk her out, I know where the ice is”. The lady prepared to go, took ‘Joe’s’ arm, and whispered, ‘He’s my grandson.’ Off they went, Joe guided her to her car, helped her in, came back in with a big smile.

At a Gas Station, a gal prepaid, mentioned that her broken arm wasn’t totally healed; ‘Gary’ offered to fill her tank. She said, ‘NO! It’s COLD out there’. He touched his warm vest, dashed ahead of her, filled the gas tank, and by the time she’d gotten out, he was headed back in; she thanked him, thrillingly. He smiled a big smile, almost bowed; cute to watch.

At the Post Office, an older lady slowly walked in one door as a young lady dashed in through the other door; seeing this older lady, she ran to her, “Mildred! I’ve not seen you in ages, you’re, wearing the most beautiful, colored jacket – what’s going on?” ‘Mildred’ smiled, hugged ‘Jenelle’, said she’d found the old jacket in the back of her closet, decided to wear it this chilly day. They chatted a bit, ‘Mildred’ shared Bible Verses she liked in Isaiah[1], promising God’s daily healing. “You know ‘Jenelle’, this is how I pray,’ Lord, I accept Your divine healing for my body, soul and mind.’” A few more words between them, then off they went, together. That’s sharing/showing LOVE! Thank You, Lord.

Love, Mara

[1] Isaiah 58:8 (NKJV) Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.


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