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Conversations with God

A teeny tot spoke

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, sometimes one might ‘learn’ a few things from ‘teeny tots.’

That was pretty cute when ‘D.G.’ shared about a great grandchild of her ‘d-i-l’s’ grandmother. She said that the two of them were sharing lunch when ‘J.M.’ said, ‘Hey – would you believe that my teeny tot Izzie just turned two years old, and she can talk? She lives nearby four grandmothers and has named them! So cute.

Izzie’s parents farm near her mother’s parents so, she’s named that grandmother, ‘Rancher Grandma.’ Then her mother’s grandmother lives some miles away, her name is ‘City Grandma.’ You probably already know that you are called ‘Farmer Grandma’ because your son is her daddy and he’s a farmer!’

The two ladies chuckled, then ‘J.’ M.’ added, “But there are two more grandmothers; she calls your son’s grandmother, ‘Near Grandmother.’ Then her mama’s dad’s mother, she named ‘The Cookie Lady.’ Izzie loves cookies as that grandmother brings some when she comes to visit, which isn’t often; they live quite aways away!

“Long ago, someone took a picture of those ladies, five generations. That was so cute. Three grandmas have passed, but wouldn’t it have been cute if someone had taken a picture of the five of them, hands upon hands?”

‘J.M’. added; “Mother’s Day reminds me of Job 12:12, ‘Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding, in length of days.’ I pray and thank God for the wisdom of generations, for His amazing grace revealed through those who came before us, I thank Him for my mother, and for the next generation, like Izzie. That reminds me of Izzie’s Mom, when she was a kid, she’d say something like: ‘Everybody says I look like my mother, everybody says I’m the image of Auntie E. Everybody says my nose is just like my father’s; BUT – I WANT TO LOOK LIKE ME!’ And she does.”

Love, Mara


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