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Letter to the editor


Saturday, April 20, prom was held at Carter County High School. The Class of 2025 worked to create a tiki beach themed prom. Palm trees were built, tiki huts made and lights strung throughout the gym. Girls wore beautiful dresses and the young men looked sharp in their tuxes. Grand march was held at 8 and parents were out the door by 9. By 10:30, all couples had left except for 11 kids.

After prom was started in the early 90s—over 30 years ago—for students to have a safe, alcohol/drug free place to go after the prom. I went over to the grade school after everyone left the prom. There were so many prizes, games and food. The amount of work that went into what those parents did was tremendous. Eighteen kids attended the after prom party. I know some kids went home, but the majority of our current student body and their dates went out to a parent’s ranch that hosted their own after prom party…

When I was in high school 20 plus years ago, everyone attended the after prom party. Even the kids that did not go to prom always showed up. There were so many awesome prizes and games, but the best part was just being with each other.

As the prom advisor, I spent a lot of hours helping my class decorate and get ready for the prom. I do not get paid to do this. I enjoy helping the students, but this takes away time from my own family. I want my own two children to experience prom and the after prom, but after what I witnessed this past weekend, I find it asinine for the kids and community members to put on a prom or after prom. What’s the point of anyone going through all that work to just have another Saturday night out partying? I know children will drink, however, I will never condone it. I know I will receive some backlash with this letter, but I feel it is important for community members and parents of upcoming kids to know the culture of some of the current parents.

Amy Walker


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