Your Community Builder

Letter to the editor

What is a Christian?

Someone who has opened their heart to Jesus Christ and has accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.

Are Christians perfect?

No, only one man was perfect and led a sinless life, Jesus Christ.

In today's society there seems to be a common misconception that Christians are perfect-that they never do anything wrong-that they never sin. This is not true! We are still just human beings just like everyone else. We struggle with the same issues that everyone struggles with: gossip, drugs, pornography, lying, stealing, unfaithfulness, finances, insecurity, fear, doubt, ect. The only difference is that a Christian has given their heart to the Lord. They have confessed their sins and been forgiven!

Do they still sin?

Yes, everyday. But, ideally, we repent and we are trying to live the way that God wants us to live. We strive everyday to be a better disciple than we were the day before.

Going to church does not make you a Christian and not going to church doesn't mean that you aren't a Christian.

If we see injustice in the world, we should stand up for what is right and just. If we do not do this, they we are just as guilty as the person(s) that are perpetrating the evil.

It is all about having a wonderful relationship with God! Being able to talk with Him and listen to His leading. Trying to live our lives as Christ would have.

I still try to apply the old acronym - WWJD.

What would Jesus do?


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