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Letter to the editor

A new kind of school-to-work

In the Fall of 2020, The Ekalaka Bible Church was approved to become a sponsoring organization for Carter County High School's “School-to-Work Program.” For many years now the Carter County High School has offered a School-to-Work program for eligible juniors and seniors. The participating students are released from school to work at one of several of the participating businesses around town. This provides students with an opportunity to gain job experience by doing supervised work as well as an opportunity to receive on-the-job training in a field that is of interest to the student. This has been a wonderful program for our students and another way for our community to invest in the future of our young people. We are thankful to the board and the administration of the Carter County High School for the opportunity to participate this past school year in this great program. We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has called each of His followers to a lifetime of serving Him in many different ways. So also, we believe that preparing for a lifetime of service is something that we should engage in heartily. Through this School-to-Work program, LeRoy Schallenberger with the assistance of Pastor Jon Champlin, have sought to give practical and meaningful training as well as opportunities to participate in the ministry of Christ. In the fall semester, two of our seniors became the guinea pigs of this new program and completed an accredited course on biblical hermeneutics (how to study the Bible) that earned them valuable college credit hours. They were joined second semester by a third student and the three of them were joined by three more young men who had recently moved to Carter County. The six of them received training in evangelism, preaching, and teaching and were given opportunities to teach youth group and Vacation Bible School lessons as well as preach on Sunday morning. The students were also able to gain experience through various work projects through out the year. We have had a lot of fun together. Several of these students will be continuing to uses these skills by working at Trails End Ranch this summer. We are so proud of each of the students for all their hard work over the past year.

If you will be a high school junior or senior this coming year and you think you might be interested in gaining some experience and training in any number of the areas in which God calls us to serve Him, please contact LeRoy Schallenberger @ 406-775-6302 or Pastor Jon @ 406-775-6234. We are flexible in terms of what class period you may have available as well as particular interests you may have. Whether you are seeking college credits, looking to expand your work experience, dig into God's Word and investigate His plan for your life, or just want to learn how to help other people in meaningful ways, this may be a great option for you! Have a great summer!

- Ekalaka Bible Church


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