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The Board of Carter County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, November 30, 2023, in the Carter County Commission Board Meeting Room of the Carter County Courthouse at 214 Park Street in Ekalaka, Montana. Mike Watkins, Vice Chairman and Pamela Castleberry, member were present. Rod Tauck, Chairman was absent.

County Maintenance Bob Jacobs joined the meeting to discuss the Utilities at the Stenseth house. The Commission agreed to keep the service on for the time being, as the boiler heat system will require water to maintain the water levels. Bob left the meeting.

The commission approved the Claims in the amount of $376,302.88 and payroll in the amount of $279,066.43.

There was a discussion regarding the Travelers Insurance claim for the wrecked 1996 Peterbilt. The insurance paid $68,880.48 that will be used to purchase a replacement truck.

Fallon/Carter Extension Agent Amanda Williams stepped into the meeting to give an update on schedule and budget.

Commissioner Castleberry made a motion to approve the minutes for November 6, 13 and 20, 2023. Commissioner Watkins seconded the motion. There was no public comment and the motion carried.

The meeting broke for lunch at 12 and was called to order at 1 p.m.

Custer National Forest Service District Ranger Kurt Hansen joined the meeting with the plans for the upcoming Box Elder Creek crossing project. This includes 2 box culverts, concrete curbs and possible gravel turn out on either side of the road. Construction is projected to begin in 2025.

The Cooperative Road Agreement between Forest Service and Carter County expires in 2025. Kurt suggested that the County take over maintenance of the bridges and car gates on the Snow Creek Rd and Stagville Road.

The Forest Service has done some maintenance on Trenk Pass Road, with plans for work on the Lost Pine and Devils Canyon Rd.

There was also an update on prescribed burns, Talking Trail signs, and timber thinning projects.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Dana Eshelman, Deputy Clerk of the Board


December 4, 2023 Commissioner Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Rod Tauck, Mike Watkins, Pam Castleberry

Also present: Dana Eshelman, Deputy Clerk & Recorder

Chairman Tauck called the meeting to order at 9 a.m.

There was no public comment.

Predator Board Secretary Stacey Ashbrook joined the meeting to present a new Predator Board member to the Commissioners for approval. The Carter County Sheep and Cattle Growers voted for Lee LaBree to take over for Tom Jardee, whose term ends 12/31/2023. Mike moved to approve Lee LaBree for the Predator Board position, which is a 6 year term starting January 2024. Pam 2nd, and the motion carried unanimously. Stacey left the meeting.

Troy Harrington sent Commissioner Tauck a resolution to limit the import of lamb and mutton into the United States. The Commissioners placed a call to Levi McEuen with the Montana Wool Growers Association with questions about the resolution. Pam moved to pass Resolution 12042023-01 Resolution to Support the Protection of American Lamb. Mike 2nd the motion, and the Commissioners signed the Resolution.

Ryan Tooke, CEO of Dahl Memorial brought the IT Room Agreement to the Board to review. The Commissioners reviewed and discussed the agreement, which is a mutual understanding between the Carter County Public Health Department and Dahl Memorial for access to and security of Public Health equipment in the Dahl Memorial IT Room. The commissioners will wait for County Attorney Corbit Harrington to review the agreement before signing it. Ryan and the commissioners also discussed solutions for railings on the sidewalk at the front entrance and drainage issues at the north side of the building. Ryan left the meeting

The Commissioners placed a call to Don Hotter with Don’s Electric to get an update on the hospital generator project. There was no answer, and they left a voicemail.

County Attorney Corbit Harrington joined the meeting. Treasurer Jesi Pierson joined the meeting.

The board discussed the process of collecting the additional 17.1 Mills, as 1st and 2nd half tax bills have already been sent out. Jesi reported that MACo (Montana Association of Counties) is working on a letter to include with the new tax statements. Jesi would prefer a 3rd billing cycle as opposed to correcting the current tax bills to reflect the additional mills. She will draft a letter to taxpayers giving notice of the additional tax bill. Jesi then left the meeting.

Corbit and the Commissioners discussed the potential Museum bond levy.

Don Hotter with Don’s Electric called in with a hospital generator project update. He is waiting on the docking station and brackets to mount the breakers. He will send an update once the parts arrive and will let the commissioners know when he plans to complete the installation.

ArcaSearch has requested access to Carter County’s Resolutions so that they can begin scanning and digitally archiving them. Mike made a motion to proceed with ArcaSearch scanning Carter County’s Resolutions. Pam 2nd, and the motion carried unanimously.

The Board adjourned for lunch at 11:55 a.m. Rod called the meeting to order after lunch at 1 p.m.

Members Present: Rod Tauck, Mike Watkins, Pam Castleberry

Also present: Dana Eshelman, Deputy Clerk & Recorder

The Commissioners discussed the employee handbook and personnel policy update. Cecile sent a draft of the new handbook to all employees for feedback on October 11th, and no comments were returned. Rod brought up the work-from-home policy and authorization requirements for working remotely. Rod referenced minutes from March 10, 2022 where the hours of Public health were set as Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. with Friday used to catch up with office duties. The commissioners discussed the structure of the Public Health Department and staffing hours. Rod brought up the on-call portion of the policy and how it relates to the Public Health department’s authorized hours.

The Commissioners discussed ways to improve the public’s perception of the Public Health Department and ways to improve communication within and outside the department. Pam suggested holding monthly meetings with Public Health department staff to provide program updates and discuss issues affecting Public Health.

Pam moved to adopt the Carter County Handbook of Employee Personnel Policies, revised May 2023. Mike 2nd, and the motion carried unanimously. This policy supersedes any previous versions.

The next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be Monday, December 11, 2023.

The meeting adjourned at 2 p.m.

Board of County Commissioners

Carter County, Montana

/s/ Rod Tauck, Chairman

Attest:/s/ Dana Eshelman, Deputy Clerk of the Board


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