Your Community Builder

Bright Ideas

My shrinking image

I tend to think of myself as I was at 27 or 30, full-voiced, opinionated, the sort of person you either liked or didn’t. I never was big, but I tried to stand tall. I was a Democrat, but there were a few other Democrats in this mostly Republican county. Certain established Republican women had a hard time enduring me, but I brought a local boy home after a 17 year absence.

My husband didn’t choose to attend Chamber of Commerce meetings; he took care of kids. I became a member of the organization. When a former president of the Chamber wanted to dissolve the organization, I stepped in and assumed the presidential post. The group had much community input, and flourished.

As MS left me more handicapped, the vice president took over. The Chamber of Commerce didn’t need me if others would carry on. I had ideas that continue today: the Carter County Calendar filled with breathtaking views. We have plenty of those to share, year round.

I am 66, soon to be 67, and my son tells me I sound like a woman my age battling the disease processes I deal with. I sound weak and old. I am very thin, so thin my ribs rub on the lift vest. To avoid that, we put a towel or other filler to protect skin over ribs, and go forward.

I’m supposed to gain weight and I eat much more. When will that go to work? You can’t will weight to accumulate where you want it. As a chubby child, I never imagined I’d be trying to gain weight. Few people are alive who knew me as a chubby youngster. Some remember me as being perfect. I never felt that way.

I am a shut-in now, having spent only warm mornings or afternoons outside. I look forward to visits from grandchildren and old friends. I may not be very big, but I’m just big enough to fill my spot among citizens.

I voted; that lists me among town voters. How many will vote for mayor or town council? When a 91 pound woman casts a vote, it is equal to a 200 pound man’s vote. They weigh the same in the town’s mail box.

I was almost going to leave out an article this week, but I wrote this one in advance. I think “Be prepared” was the Brownie Scout motto. Funny, the things you remember in old age.


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