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Conversations with God

Fun with tiny tots

Hello God, it’s me, Mara:

You know, Lord, what fun to dine with tiny tots: [not their real names], Ida, 18 months old and big brother, Evan, age 4, and their grandparents. Both tots are so cute and well mannered, fresh from heaven, curious, just learning their way around the World.

Ida is learning to talk. One can only imagine what this bright eyed, puppy-tailed tot will be when she’s two! Ida was more interested in the folks around her than in eating, even when grandma tempted her with a tasty bite: “Open wide - here it comes.”

Evan not only could count to 100, he gave his little sister a bite of his dessert. Adults forget what chocolate frosting does to little ones, but grandma was prepared, soon fingers and face were cleaned in between giggles, causing dinner guests to smile and enjoy.

Dining finished, time for wraps, Ida can say ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’ and when told ‘How pretty’ when we admired her tiny pink plaid coat, she said ‘Princess’. So precious in Your sight, Lord, a Prince and Princess to you, KING of Kings, LORD of Lords, so innocent, trusting, vulnerable, Lord. You have given parents such responsibility, the power to shape the next generation, there is no greater power, flawed and limited though we are, than to train up a child. What if parents practiced Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Yes, Lord, What if?

None of us ever have it all together; Lord, we’re vulnerable, have struggles and challenges, we are flawed humans, but what if all parents understood Matthew 19:14: “Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Thank You, Lord, for that special time with tiny tots and their grandparents.

Love, Mara


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