Your Community Builder


Special Meeting

Town Office: Thursday, July 20, 2023 @1:00pm

A. Call Meeting to Order @5:03pm

a. Roll Call Council: Libby Barth, Andy Wright, Rex McCord

b. Employees Present

c. Appointed Officials Present: Buck Kratzer, Kamely Harkins

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Public Comment

D. Unfinished Business

a. 5-pm Larson property management

i. Shay has submitted a bid for $3,000 to remove homes and take to old city dump to burn. Buck will assist.

ii. Libby moved to accept Shay Beyer’s bid of $3,000 for this removal project, Andy seconded – motion passed.

E. New Business

a. Zoning:

i. A. Laughery: Well...


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