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The Ekalaka Eagle Classifieds

Notice (Ads 1 to 1 of 1)

Ekalaka Town Council Position Available.

Ekalaka Town Council Position Available. The town of Ekalaka is looking for a new council member. If interested in this position, please submit a letter of intent and how you would be beneficial to both the council as well as the community. Please include two references (non-related). Letters are being accepted at the town office by January 31st, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact the Town of Ekalaka; Kamely Harkins, Clerk/Treasurer; 103 N Main St; PO Box 338; Ekalaka MT 59324 or phone 406-775-8731.

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Ad ID: 2193   |   Posted: 12/12/2024

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